Thursday, December 27, 2007

Well I haven't typed in here in awhile, I haven't had anything to say really but right now it feels strange to be here when it's the holidays and there's nothing to do at the desk.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

There are times when it feels like I want to get a rubber blow up mallet and just punch the daylights out of the nearest and dearest. I mean case in point is "C" who hasn't bothered to talk to me in like weeks and then had the nerve to come out and lecture me about how I haven't bothered to talk to her and how come I haven't acknowledged her emails (I've seen 2).

It's bad enough that I'm going laptopless for awhile thanks to some issues with the motherboard, but being burdened with a heel spur from hell, is making me not appreciative of whiny bitches. Of which, she has slid into quite easily.

I have no computer, I have been sidelined because of my foot and to hear that this twit has gotten on her high horse, is frankly ... annoying me.

Friday, August 31, 2007

My Introduction

All good works of non-fiction, fiction and so forth have to have an introduction and this here is mine.

I made this because I can't type at LJ when I'm at work and there are times when I wish that I could be. Because lately I find that I have nothing to say and lord only knows that the co-workers here have the case of the "dumbs".

I have absolutely no like of them since we learnt of the "restructuring" and in some of their cases, the lobotomies.

Five minutes till hometime, so I should get to signing off of things here so ciao!!!